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    Application of mobile lighting vehicle in social rescue

    Release time:2021-6-29    This article is read 1628 second
    Reading guide:Guide: Mobile lighting vehicles are mainly used in emergencies, such as social rescue, resettlement of victims, and power protection for major events. These are lighting that needs electricity in emergencies, so mobile lighting vehicles are in these situations It can come in handy when you download it. In the use of social rescue, what role does the mobile lighting car play? The following is a related introduction.

    Application of mobile lighting vehicle in social rescue

    Guide: Mobile lighting vehicles are mainly used in emergencies, such as social rescue, resettlement of victims, and power protection for major events. These are lighting that needs electricity in emergencies, so mobile lighting vehicles are in these situations It can come in handy when you download it. In the use of social rescue, what role does the mobile lighting car play? The following is a related introduction.

    Mobile lighting vehicles are mainly used in emergencies, such as social rescue, resettlement of victims, and power protection for major events. These are all lighting that needs electricity in emergencies. Therefore, mobile lighting vehicles will be used in these situations. It can come in handy. In the use of social rescue, what role does the mobile lighting car play? The following is a related introduction.

    Light is indispensable in emergency rescue at night and is a sacred mission. Therefore, when lighting the emergency rescue site, the lighting equipment we provide requires high power, high brightness, high lifting height, and the self-generation of gasoline and diesel generators ensure long continuous use time.

    In the rescue site, the resettlement point for the victims is a concentrated area that provides living, rest, and food for the victims on the scene. It is characterized by a large flow of people and a quiet environment after nightfall. The lamps need to be bright and battery-powered to reduce noise and Exhaust gas is harmful. We have mobile multi-function lighting devices, portable mobile work lights, and even multi-function mobile lighting systems that realize music playback and shouting functions to ease the tension in the disaster area and release important information.

    If social assistance is needed, the power is usually cut off. Therefore, this mobile lighting vehicle is very practical, convenient, portable, and has good lighting effects. According to the needs of wattage, you can choose different power lights. 


    Application of mobile lighting vehicle in social rescue
    Last item:Reference standards when purchasing mobile lighting vehicles

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