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    Mobile lighting tower—Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV-1000QA

    Release time:2019-7-8    This article is read 3979 second
    Reading guide:Shandong Storike—Mobile lighting tower—Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV1000QA

    Shandong Storike—Mobile lighting tower—Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV1000QA

    Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV1000QA video show:

    Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV1000QA picture show:

    移動(dòng)照明車(chē)-球型照明車(chē)SMLV-1000QA 移動(dòng)照明車(chē)-球型照明車(chē)SMLV-1000QA 移動(dòng)照明車(chē)-球型照明車(chē)SMLV-1000QA 移動(dòng)照明車(chē)-球型照明車(chē)SMLV-1000QA

    Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV1000QA technical parameters

    Scope of application:

    Our mobile lighting tower are mainly used in outdoor operations, rescue and disaster relief, road maintenance and emergency lighting. The lighting vehicle is suitable for ordinary roads, highways, mines, etc. to provide mobile lighting for night operations and other work sites.

    Mobile lighting tower—Ballon type mobile lighting tower SMLV-1000QA
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    +86 13964983086

    Shandong Storike Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd.

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    Contact person:Alex Cui
    Mobile: +86 13964983086

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