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    Road roller- Ride on road roller ST4000

    Release time:2019-7-8    This article is read 4903 second
    Reading guide:Shandong Storike—Road roller—Ride on road roller ST4000

    Shandong Storike—Road roller—Ride on road roller ST4000

    Ride on road roller ST4000 video show:

    Ride on road roller ST4000 picture show:

     小型壓路機-座駕式壓路機ST4000 小型壓路機-座駕式壓路機ST4000 小型壓路機-座駕式壓路機ST4000 小型壓路機-座駕式壓路機ST4000

    Ride on road roller ST4000 technical parameters

    Scope of application:

    It can be used for compaction of soil, asphalt roads, sidewalks, bridges and culverts, parking lots, sports grounds and narrow venues. It has vertical vibration, large excitation force and high compaction efficiency. It is the ideal equipment for road, street and square construction of highways and municipal departments.

    Road roller- Ride on road roller ST4000
    Last item:Road roller- Ride on road roller ST3000Next:Road roller- Ride on road roller ST8000

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    +86 13964983086

    Shandong Storike Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd.

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    Contact person:Alex Cui
    Mobile: +86 13964983086

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